John Evans | QOL Quality of Life


“Get stronger and everything gets easier”

Good Nutrition underpins all aspects of health and well-being and is fundamental to training progression and effective athletic performance.

We aim to provide you with support and guidance on all aspects of nutrition and eating to ensure you maximise health and are successful in hitting your performance goals.

Our role is helping you identify the changes to enable you to hit your goals and then supporting you through that process. You will learn the best way to feed yourself rather than just what to cut out.

We will help you to organise and plan meals. You will be able to correctly read and analyse a food label to make more informed choices.  You will become confident in selecting fresh ingredients to prepare healthy meals. We will not seek to impose unrealistic doctrines or diets. Our goal is to provide you with a specific and practical nutritional education that allows you to build a sustainable and healthy lifestyle.

While we have significant experience with medical conditions like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease we will never exceed the scope of our practice and we will use our network of allied professionals to ensure you always have the best and most appropriate nutritional support.

Managing Weight and Changing Shape

If transforming your body is your target, then success will require dedication and hard work. Improving appearance, losing weight, and shedding the fat is probably the most common motivation for starting to exercise.   Decreasing body weight brings numerous health benefits such as lower blood pressure, reduced risk of diabetes, less mechanical stress on joints, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and better sleep quality. These are all important, but you might prefer just to see a smaller waistline and some muscle definition.

We will help you to structure your exercise plan to improve your body’s ability to utilise fat as a fuel. Resistance training and High Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T) can both help to generate small but important changes in metabolism. Resistance training will also allow you to develop muscle helping to sculpt and shape the body.

Without optimal nutrition, however, targets will remain unattainable, and the scales will be reluctant to budge. A proportionate and sustainable calorie deficit will be central to utilising stored fat and shedding weight over a realistic timescale. Even with a calorie deficit nutritional quality must be great enough to support the body through increased physical activity.

Confused About Nutrition? Let Us Help You.

When it comes to nutrition the amount of information, misinformation and diverging opinion there can be bewildering.  What is true is that what and how we eat will have a profound effect on how we perform and function. It will intimately influence our lifelong health and significantly impact how we manage and maintain bodyweight.

We aim to bring you regular updates and blogs on all areas of nutrition including the latest research, recommended reading, simple recipes, cooking and prepping tips and links to qualified and respected nutritionists.

How Do I Make It happen?

This is the bit you care about. Education is important and learning what and why of nutrition is important in understanding and evaluating the choices and changes that you will make.

Often overlooked when diet has been a struggle for a long term is the breaking of the link between what the body needs and the food you habitually eat. Exercise plays a vital role in connecting the body with the brain and optimising and organising the neurochemical messages that operate between them. Behavioural change is central to any improvements.

Changing Behaviour

What we eat and particularly what we choose to eat are deeply personal to each of us. Our lives are shaped by the choices we make.  Those choices will be influenced by our upbringing, genetics, relationships, health, moods, lifestyle, work, economic and cultural factors.

To improve our diet, we first need to objectively identify where change needs to take place and then organise and implement those changes. The important thing to recognise is that changing behaviour is always challenging. The more invested and tied to a particular behaviour you are then the harder it is to change.

Analysis of current eating habits is essential. For nutritional change an objective perspective of your actual starting point is very important. Writing an idealised eating plan for someone is all very well but without the necessary knowledge, support, and behavioural coaching to make change happen it can be a futile exercise. We will provide ongoing education and support.

Do I Need to Cut out Carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are not inherently bad. There is no specific need to cut out all carbohydrates in your diet, especially if you are significantly upping the intensity of your exercise. To lose weight, you will need an overall calorie reduction in your diet and the likelihood is that this will mean at least a proportional reduction in carbohydrates. We will help you to get it right.

Yes I Want To Improve My Nutrition

All QOL training packages have the option of including nutritional education and support. We can also provide standalone nutritional support when required. For more details contact us here.

John Evans and QOL Nutrition

I have delivered nutritional education to fitness professionals for almost 15 years covering subjects like performance nutrition, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, and obesity. I hold a BSc in physiology, Cadence Health Certificate in Lifestyle Nutrition and CYQ Certificate in Nutrition.

Get Started with Great Nutrition

Contact us on or call directly on 07976965503.

If you prefer to contact us online, use our form here.